An Episcopal Church
The Progressive Episcopal Church is an episcopal church. 'Episcopal' is the English derivation of the New Testament Greek word επίσκοπος episcopos, meaning 'overseer, guardian'. This means we are a community of Christians who acknowledge and embrace the Historic Episcopate, the traditional succession of bishops from the time of the earliest Christian communities.
Episcopal polity is a form of church governance where the spiritual guidance and pastoral oversight of local Christian communities is the responsibility of a bishop. Historically, fellowships of these local Christian communities are known as 'dioceses' or 'episcopal sees'. This episcopal structure is found in the ancient churches of both the Eastern and Western Christian traditions.
Some denominations and faith traditions identify their communities by describing the type of church governance they embrace. For example, the use of the words presbyterian, episcopal and congregational in the titles of churches describes the type of organization and governance the community adheres to. Some denominations or organizations of local churches identify themselves by these titles, but there is no single presbyterian, episcopal or congregational denomination or fellowship. The Progressive Episcopal Church is one episcopal church among many throughout the world.
The Progressive Episcopal Church is an ecclesiastical province of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church and celebrates the Anglican Heritage of the ancient Christian tradition. The Progressive Episcopal Church is organizationally independent of the Church of England and the See of Canterbury.
Episcopal polity is a form of church governance where the spiritual guidance and pastoral oversight of local Christian communities is the responsibility of a bishop. Historically, fellowships of these local Christian communities are known as 'dioceses' or 'episcopal sees'. This episcopal structure is found in the ancient churches of both the Eastern and Western Christian traditions.
Some denominations and faith traditions identify their communities by describing the type of church governance they embrace. For example, the use of the words presbyterian, episcopal and congregational in the titles of churches describes the type of organization and governance the community adheres to. Some denominations or organizations of local churches identify themselves by these titles, but there is no single presbyterian, episcopal or congregational denomination or fellowship. The Progressive Episcopal Church is one episcopal church among many throughout the world.
The Progressive Episcopal Church is an ecclesiastical province of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church and celebrates the Anglican Heritage of the ancient Christian tradition. The Progressive Episcopal Church is organizationally independent of the Church of England and the See of Canterbury.